Hi friends.
Sorry its been so long!
I wish I could say I haven't written because life has been so busy,
but it really hasn't.
The real reason I guess, would be I haven't really known what to say.
So many of us were shocked by what happened in Boston and my heart goes out to all of the people hurt by the attack.
It just seemed so wrong to start talking about fashion, interior decorating, crocheting, etc. in the wake of such a tragedy.
But, to be honest, that isn't so much what has been on my mind.
I'm a little worried people will be offended by what I have to say.
But I feel the need to say it.
What happened in Boston was horrible.
But how many of us really stopped to think that this happens on a daily basis in so many countries around the world?
And I mean REALLY THINK about it.
There are so many mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, who never get to see justice carried out against their loved one's attacker.
I think we are so shocked by what happened because we live in a country where this is not common place.
But we forget just how often this goes on in our world.
Why aren't we doing something about it?
It seems as if, because the people these things happen to aren't our family or friends, we don't need to care.
These are still human beings whose basic, natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are being taken from them.
Before we start feeling sorry for ourselves or becoming really angry at the people who did this, lets think about the people who live in fear every day.
Who will never see their attacker face justice.
Lets stop thinking of only ourselves, and think of others in this world.
I know that I don't personally think about it every day, and perhaps others share my same problem:
I have no idea where to start, or even HOW, to help.
I think the first step is beginning to think outside ourselves and our own country by being informed about world events and actually caring about them.
Ok, I've said what I had to say and I'll leave it at that.
I try not to get terribly political on here mostly because, while that is a passion of mine, it just isn't really the direction I've taken this blog in. But there are times when I feel the need to voice my opinion. However mild it may seem.
Anyway, that is all I have for the moment.
I may not be writing again this week because I'm leaving my husband home with the dog to help my lovely sister in law drive home from school!
Hopefully we have some epic adventures!
(Psh! Hopefully? No. We DEFINITELY will!)
Till next time...
Less Than Three,
(Picture source here)
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