Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Cup of Nutella

That puppy is getting big!!
She's growing like a weed!

So...remember that time I posted something about maybe doing an outfit post later this week?
Well, it might be more like Saturday...and it might be a different outfit...
See my sweet, patient, kind husband came home from work only to have me drag him out to go try a take a picture of me.
Neither of us had ANY idea what we were doing! Which resulted in some awkward, albeit hilariously awkward, pictures. So, we'll try round two a little later and see if we have any better luck!

Yesterday I made a pie.
Not just any pie, mind you.
You may or may not have seen the recipe floating around for a Hot Fudge Peanut Butter Pie?
Did you know, I'm actually not a huge fan of peanut butter...well on anything other than a pb&j sandwich and other assorted breads?
I don't really like peanut butter in baked goods! I used to LOVE (I mean, "L" is for the way you look at me, LOVE) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, but recently I'm just not a fan!
So I decided to try and make the recipe my own and omitted the peanut butter and substituted Nutella.
Best decision of my life!
Well...other than marrying Larry, OBVIOUSLY...
I had to put in an entire CUP of Nutella.
While I knew it was going to a good cause, I think my heart broke a little...
So of course I take a picture of it.
In memoriam of the Nutella...

Sad, isn't it? All that hazelnut chocolaty goodness...
Now, the recipe says to beat the cream cheese, peanut butter *cough* Nutella *cough* and sugar together till creamy.
Here's the problem with that: we don't have a beater or a mixer of any kind. We have whisks! (I personally have a strange love for whisks...possibly because we didn't really have them when I was growing up. So our whisks hold a special place in my heart. I'm not crazy, I swear)
Have you ever tried to blend something together without the proper equipment? It's tons of fun...
Actually, here's what it looks like

But, never fear, it came alright in the end!
I was a little sad we ran out of whipped cream, so I didn't have any for the top but it was still rather tasty!

Other than being something fairly close to a heart attack on a plate, it was soooo worth the effort!
I think if I ever make this again, I'll actually omit the hot fudge part and just put whipped cream on the top so it isn't quite so heavy.

Well, the week has gone by FAST!
I hope you have a lovely Thursday!
Till next time...

Less Than Three,

Oh! And, in case you wanted it, here's where to find the recipe!
Although, I think I personally found it on Mom's Pantry, her website here:

1 comment:

  1. You should call me I have whip cream left from Easter dinner...I will donate it to you. :P
