And, in case you didn't catch it on facebook, we're having a boy!
Very exciting!
So, I've noticed a few things about pregnancy that I find pretty entertaining.
I've already written a post kind of to that extent before, but I have a few more observations.
1. First of all, I'm fairly certain that there is no such thing as a non-awkward maternity shoot...
For instance...
It just gets uglier from there. And it doesn't matter if there are other kids involved, clothing, spouse, no spouse, indoors, outdoors, it's just ALL a little scarring! There are plenty of really nice after-baby-is-born-mom-and-dad-holding-their-child photos...but maternity shots are just frightening!
2. I can't look at cute clothes on Pinterest any more. Or at fashion posts by some of my favorite bloggers...
Because all I can think is: I can't wear that right fact I won't be able to wear anything like that for about six months! (And that's the optimistic timeline!) Now, before I was pregnant I would look at outfit posts and appreciate the great fashion and look at pinterest outfits and be just fine. I wasn't ever going to purchase those outfits, are you kidding? I'm waaay too cheap for that. Not to mention, I'm newly married (almost a year!! Next Sunday!) and we have far better things to spend our money on.
Like...I don't
But for some reason, now that I'm pregnant, I'm mourning the loss of the potential ability to dress super cute. And no. Cute maternity clothes are NOT in fact easy to find. I guess I should amend that, cute CHEAP maternity clothes are NOT, in fact, easy to find. I'm still just as cheap. Hey, we've got a kid on the way here!
3. Ahhhh Maternity Clothes...
On that note, none of the things you can find actually look good ON. Unless you were a negative size before you got pregnant, the chances are that you are going to look like you have a beer gut for a while after you start showing. Or at least feel that way. So most maternity outfits that look so cute in the pictures? Ya, they're going to do BAD things to how your body looks. And no matter if you find something that you actually look somewhat presentable in, you're going to see yourself in the mirror and your first thought is going to be "I look like a house". You might not look like you're huge, you might not even look like you're pregnant yet, and still you will feel like you are the size of a baby beluga whale! Your hope is that on a scale from Kate Middleton to Kim Kardashian you aren't too far on the wrong side of pregnancy fashion.
4. There's something about a pregnant belly that apparently says "I have no feelings right now, so please go ahead and say whatever you would like about how I look, act, eat, etc. etc. Don't worry, your insensitive words won't hurt. You have a free pass because I'm pregnant."
Thankfully, I haven't personally experienced that yet. But I have been hearing plenty of horror stories!
Seriously? This one I have a hard time understanding. I don't know about most other pregnant women, but I'm personally a little over sensitive at the moment! I take things MUCH more personally than I normally would and I overreact like no one's business! Seriously...I let Larry's recruiter HAVE IT the other day. My judgment is also a little off...if you couldn't tell... (Thankfully everything got worked out and we all left the meeting on good terms but I was TICKED. Probably a little justified, but that's another story for another time.)
My point is, you're much more emotional while you're pregnant and more sensitive and I feel like that should be a no brainer! So why all the crazy people who think it's ok to try and tell you you're fat? And the funny thing is, it's usually not the people who are super skinny who tell the pregnant women they're fat. It's people who are not exactly in the best shape themselves! Projecting much, are we?
5. While we're on things I don't understand...How about pregnant women who think that everyone's experience is going to be exactly like their own?
I feel like you basically hear the equivalent of "I plowed the fields my entire pregnancy, in the snow, up hill both ways, had my baby right there on the field. Had her daddy catch her, and then I kept on plowin!" Apparently, you're a pansy if you have any difficulty at all.
Now, I'm down with the "suck it up and rub some dirt in it" mentality. I'm fairly certain that's what's going to either make me a terrible or a great mom, and I've tried not to complain too much about my circumstances. But come on. I'm almost certain that pregnancy is not easy for most women, can't we cut each other just a little slack? See, it's tricky because pregnancy is one of those things where "every woman is different" sincerely applies. For some women, I'm sure it's easy as pie! For others, it's crazy difficult. Is it really so hard to be a little understanding?
6. There really are things that happen to your body that NO ONE told you about previously.
For instance: the blood flow increases to YOUR ENTIRE BODY. This also can mean your sinuses which generally results in bloody noses, but sometimes it just means that if you have any kind of allergy to ANYTHING good luck breathing for the next few months of your life.
I went in for my first ultrasound to see the baby and find out what we were having and the poor technician was seriously freaked out because I kept snorting. Now, before you think how incredibly gross I am, the reason I was doing that is because it has become a habit because I'M TRYING TO BREATHE! Nothing is coming out and I would like to not have all that lovely sinus pressure anymore. She started rushing the appointment along as much as she could and kept saying that she just felt so bad for me. When honestly, she was probably just trying to get out of that room a little faster! I can't say I blame her!
Apparently I'm slightly allergic to dust. Which, you know, makes sense seeing as we live in Arizona where if I don't dust every day there's a not so thin veil of dirt coating every surface. It's only fair I guess.
Again, there really are a few pros to this whole process. Your hair grows thick and long like you poured fertilizer on it and becomes nice and shiny, your fingernails grow just as well, all those baby things really are kinda cute, and of course you get a baby at the end. It's really kinda cool to see a baby on an ultrasound screen moving around in you. It's also a little creepy, but mostly cool. And, most of the time, people are nicer to you when they find out you've got a bun in the oven.
I'm really not one to complain. Which is kinda why I haven't written in so long, because anything I wrote was going to be a little moody (thanks pregnancy hormones) and I'm just not that kind of person. Hopefully I'm coming out of being so sick and I'm excited to get to post about our upcoming anniversary and all the plans we have and things we're doing for baby to be. So stay tuned for that!
Anyway, I'm out for now!
I hope you are all doing well!
Less Than Three,
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