Monday, April 08, 2013

What a Difference a Day Makes

So, I have been looking forward to this day for..well, a little short of a year!
You know what makes today so special for me?
It is the day I met my husband.

Yup! One year ago today I met the man I married.
And we haven't had a day apart since.
I know I will probably not be able to say that in a year from now since he'll probably have either gone through basic training or be in basic training or even tech school.
So I'm reveling in the joy it brings me to know that we met, and have been together every day since.

If things had moved as quickly with anyone else as they did with him, I would have run in the other direction! But with Larry, it was right, even from the very beginning.
We met on a Sunday, by Wednesday he put his arm around me and held my hand.
Thursday he kissed me for the first time.
Saturday he told me he loved me and asked me to be his girlfriend.
About a week or two later, we went ring shopping.
A month later we were engaged.
A little more than four months after we met, we got married.
I always wanted to end up with someone who knew what they wanted and went after it, I just didn't quite expect that extreme! But I'm grateful for it!
The last year has been the best I've had and I'm thrilled to get to spend so many more beautiful years with the love of my life.
And after that, bring on eternity!

I loved this quote because it means a lot to me.
For the rest of the world 24 is pretty young, especially to get married! But in Mormon culture, it's a little older. People really do start to look at you funny when you've been home from your mission for a few years and you still aren't married or dating anyone. They wonder what's wrong with you, and YOU start wondering what's wrong with you! There are girls who are older than me who have been off their missions for longer and I feel for them! I felt like I would have to wait forever! But I made a promise to myself a long time ago that I wouldn't settle, and I'm glad I kept that promise. Because, once we met, Larry wanted me and only me. That feeling, that I was his first choice and not a candidate in a long line of girls, feels so dang good.
I think every girl deserves that.

Anyway, another week has begun and it's bound to be a great one!
Filled with love and sunshine!

Less Than Three,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Sarah for the reminder that it is worth the wait! So glad you are part of our family! What a great day!
