It's sunny today! Yay! I personally can't wait till it's summer! Summer has got to be one of my favorite seasons! The longer WARMER days, there's just so much more that you can do during the summer. Everything just seems happier in the summer. I don't know what it is, it's like an anticipation in the air like anything is possible.
Haha! Make fun of me if you want for that last paragraph but it's true!
So, not too much is new today, I mean the day has practically just started! I don't have much planned, but that's the usual! My parents generally take off and enjoy each others company for the day, and I enjoy my quiet time! It's nice when the sun is shining and there's not much to do but just watch a movie on my own (a rare occurrence) or listen to the music I like (another rare occurrence).
I probably won't be in too much longer though, a day like this practically DEMANDS taking a drive! One of my favorite quotes is from the movie "Elizabeth Town", at the end Claire has Drew take a road trip because he's never taken one before. She makes a map for him along with pictures and places to stop and things to do at those places, and she gives him music to listen to, because we all know- what is a road trip without music?? She tells him "Some music needs air, roll down the window". I love that, it is so true! There is nothing like driving down the road with music playing, the windows down, and the sun shining. Instant uplift to ANY day!
So, I'll probably go do that later on, haha! Anyway I'd best get goin! I hope you all get out and enjoy the sunshine!!
Less Than Three,
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