Yay! Geez, I'm so indecisive! It's ridiculous! It took me FOREVER to find this freaking background! Oh well, all done! So, it's now really really late, not that it's a new thing for me to be up all hours of the night...but it's later than I'd like it to be! It's like it passes midnight and I just lose all track of time! Whew! So I'll make this short!
So, not much is new since I've been home. I got back about a month-ish ago? Just looking for a job, and waiting to find out what schools I got into! I'm crossing my fingers, let me tell ya! HAHA! It's a bit nerve wracking! I really REALLY want to go to school. It hasn't been very long I guess but it feels like FOREVER! I guess I probably needed this break to really appreciate school ya know? I never liked it much, and now I can't wait to go back!
I was trying to get down to Florida for two couple's baptisms at the end of the month, but right now it's looking like it probably won't be happening. It's just been so hard to find a job! I am NOT very happy about it, but I guess that's just life for ya! I really miss Florida, I miss the people, the beaches, and just being on a mission! This whole transition thing is NOT all it cracked up to be! Haha!
It's been so hard to come home early. It was such a shock to me when my mission president said that he thought it might be time for me to go home. I'd been sick since I had gotten to Florida and nothing seemed to really be working. I know that it was the right thing. Other than when I was praying about going on a mission, I don't think I've ever prayed that hard. I am so grateful that I was with Sister Hall when everything happened! I don't know what I would have ever done without her! It all happened so quickly! I mean we had our Zone Conference on Tuesday by Friday the final decision was made, and I left a few days later.
The more I think about it though, the more I know that there must be a reason why I'm home now instead of December. Who knows! It's been quite the growth opportunity! Haha!
I can't wait to see what's next!
Less Than Three,
Hessy <3