Stop being stupid.
Yup that really about sums it up.
I mean that can be applied to, well, pretty much anything.
For instance,
to the women who don't like to work out, the women who do work out aren't fat shaming you when they post their progress photos or about their work outs or their life-style choices.
And to the women who think that the other women who don't work out are lazy,
just stop being stupid.
To the moms who stay home, stop judging the moms who work.
To the moms who work, stop judging the moms who stay home.
Stop being STUPID.
To the moms who have babies in the hospital, stop judging the moms who have babies at home.
To the moms who have babies at home, stop judging the moms who have babies in the hospital.
To the moms who nurse, stop judging the moms who bottle feed.
To the moms who bottle feed, stop being intolerant of the moms who breast feed, yes this means even if they choose to do it in public.
Just stop being stupid.
I nursed and I bottle fed. Honestly, I think both these pictures are beautiful. What is the point of thinking you're superior if you nurse or if you bottle feed? Can we just forget trying to be better than someone else and just be friends?
I'm so over it.
There's so much I'm just fed up with right now, and I don't feel like getting into it. So I'm just going to cover it with a blanket request.
Because all of these feuds are really ridiculous.
Women need to stop women-shaming.
Being a woman is a hard job, and honestly sometimes it sucks but sometimes it's really awesome.
Can't we all bond over that common fact and forget the rest?
I mean really?
Please and thank you.
That is all.