Guess what?!
We're going to Washington!
Right after James was born, Larry and I were praying (we knew we were supposed to be doing something this year, we just didn't know what or where or when) and we got the answer that we need to move and we need to do it NOW.
So we started assessing our options, we thought about Logan and getting Larry into USU, we thought about Provo and doing school there, and then we thought about Washington.
And everything started to fall into place.
Larry has a job up there and we found a place to live and our move in date is March 1st!
That's right.
We're moving to Issaquah!
Which is crazy.
Honestly it had never crossed our minds before. My parents had moved and the cost of living is higher there and it just wasn't on our radar.
But I'm pretty excited. I'm excited for something that more closely resembles seasons, rain, trees, THE TEMPLE (oh my gosh I'm thrilled to be so close to a temple again!), and for Salmon Days, and to get to take James to Snowflake Lane (he'll be so much fun at Christmas time!! He'll almost be a year old and I just can't wait!), and for parks, and family excursions, and friends, and maybe even SNOW!!
We'll even be moving into my home ward!
So we're going to be seeing you soon Issaquah 1st!!
It will be hard to not be around family anymore, but thank heavens for Skype!
So that's our big announcement!
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your day!
Less Than Three,