We have an announcement!

Yup, that's right!
We found out the day before Mother's Day
which was also the weekend before my birthday!
Kinda cool because my mom found out she was pregnant with me on HER birthday way back when!
So we had an excellent Grandma's Day surprise for our moms!
Surprisingly, I'm already three months along!
And I'm doing pretty well.
Morning sickness hit really hard the day we found out!
(Which is why I've been kinda AWOL the last little while)
But its finally getting better!
Thank Heavens!
In case you need any further proof,
a picture of both tests we took:

I'm really excited that we're expecting our addition to be making its way into the world in December!
Christmas is my FAVORITE time of year and
I can think of no better Christmas present!
Anyway, that's our news!
I hope you are all having a great day and have a fabulous weekend!
Less Than Three,
P.S. If you care to mock me about something:
Apparently now I'm a "happy crier"
I've always been one to only cry if I was sad or mad.
Not anymore!
I watched Thumbelina the other day and I was sitting there like
"It's so beautiful! They're so happy!"
bawling my eyes out.
I've been seeing The Fox and The Hound on Netflix and I've been wanting to watch it, but I don't dare!
I'd be an absolute PUDDLE!

So I realized something the other day.
I'm turning 25 on Friday!
It was only about a year and a half ago that someone mistook me for honestly being a Sophomore
...in high school...
I'll take that to mean that so far, I'm aging gracefully.
Anyway, that's not what I realized.
What I realized was:
EVERYTHING is going to happen in the next 25 years of my life.
I'm going to have kids.
Those kids are going to grow up.
Those kids are going to graduate from high school and possibly even college in that time.
They'll go on missions.
My kids could be married in 25 years.
I could be a grandmother in 25 years!
How crazy is that?
I think the shock really sets in at the idea of being a grandmother!
I can't even comprehend having kids right now, let alone seeing them grow up and having children of their own!
Then I think about how nothing ever seems to go the way I think it will in life and I start to wonder what on earth is in store for us.
It's going to be quite a ride that's for sure!
So here's to the next 25 years and all of the ups and downs it will inevitably bring!
I have the love of my eternity by my side and that's all I need to make life an adventure!
Less Than Three,
(Picture here)

I cannot help myself.
I just love that sleepy face!
Hi friends!
I'm back from Utah and I'm home with that little one!
She certainly keeps me running and she's crazy spunky!
But she's dang cute, even when she's knocked out asleep!
So, my sister in law graduated from BYU last week and we had great adventures driving back to Arizona.

That's not her, in case you were wondering...

That is though!
Hope she doesn't mind that I put that picture up...
Oh well!
We ran around the campus taking pictures of her in her cap and gown...even though she only wanted maybe two pictures...I kinda forced her into it...
So to retaliate, she took the following of me.

I excel at awkward...
But it was a new shirt and the flowers were pretty! So why not?
In other, relatively boring, news
I finally found an iphone case I actually like!

This is significant because I've been looking for a cover for my phone since I got it in September! I'm a wee bit indecisive, if you couldn't tell...
Also, on the subject of my inability to make a decision, I bought new tennis shoes!
This may also seem mundane, except for the fact that the last time I got new ones was way back in 2005.
So I'm actually rather proud of these beauts!

AND! The Raisinets fairy visited my house!
I don't think I've ever seen so many boxes in one place in all my days!
I'm not complaining!

We have a friend who is an "extreme couponer" and she had these just laying around.
So we figured we could give them a good home.
Now I just have to restrain myself from eating them all...in one sitting...
I figure I'm doing fairly well so far!
Two boxes in three days...
Well, at least I have my fancy new shoes that can take me out for a walk or a jog from time to time to work all that chocolate covered raisin goodness off!
That's all for the moment!
I hope you are having a lovely week!
Till next time,
Less Than Three,
P.S. If we're friends on Facebook, you may have gotten an invitation to "like" the page I set up for the blog (if you didn't it's probably because I have no idea you read this and didn't think you'd want me bugging you to like the page! I'm nice like that) Anyway if you haven't already, you should head on over and give it a "like"!